Helping You Lead the way
Moving Beyond Disability Awareness, Beyond Fear, Beyond Limited Beliefs
Parents & Siblings
Business Professionals
Direct Support Professionals
Community Organizations
What is it that you worry about and/or want to achieve with your family member? Your students? Your customers? Clients? Your community? Yourself? I can help you and your community sort out any disempowering perspectives around disability, and envision and lead the creation of a reality that embraces diverse human experiences and inclusion. Contact Diana for individual or group services.

Powerful Keynotes
Staff Trainings
Conference Workshops
Diana touches audiences through the power of her family's journey to inclusion with her brother, Joaquin, as well as her passionate advocacy for inclusion in schools and communities. Her presentations leave participants inspired and often in tears. When possible, her brother, Joaquin, joins presentations with enthusiasm.
"Inviting Diana to be our closing speaker at our annual statewide disability conference was the best decision we could have made! Her impact was truly electric! She successfully combined exceptional story-telling, powerful emotional appeal, and the universal themes of advocacy for human dignity and disability rights. What a treat for us and our 300+ conference participants!"
-Adi Kalika Schaeffer, Northern Arizona University